hAppY HaLLoWeEN fRoM gL


Halloween is the best you get to be anything you want, enjoy and have a safe one 🙂

What I am wearing:

Hair: D!va-Naomi (Amber) more than 2,000 group member free
Top Halter: !STC-Orange
Eyes: Amato Vivid Blue(Free)
Boots: Duh! Engineer Black (hunt prize)
Skin: [Al Vulo!] Sally*anniversary gift sunkissed (Free)
Skinny Jeans: *MPD* Prisoner of Love

Me and My freebies~~~~

I love my Freebies, yes people that know me know that about me, I give to all those designers who take their time in providing them for us 🙂

What am I wearing? here is your answer

Hair: LOQ-Brownie-Platinum-Euphoria Treasure hunt (no longer available)
Top: RunoRuno-Knit Pullover-Black
Jeans: Allep-Lucky Chair
Skin: Inka